Know your weeds?
Alongside flora and fauna recovery there is the every present fight against weeds. Volunteers who want to help the Society with weed control are welcome. As in other years Helen Lindsay has put together a programme of work to be carried out during the 25-26 year.
Penguins having a good nesting season
After a poor breeding season last year, our little penguins are doing much better this season. We have eleven nesting pairs and each has raised two chicks. At six weeks old the chicks are fitted with a passive transponder tag (just like the ones used for domestic pets). If the chick survives, finds a partner and chooses to nest in one of our nest boxes, the tag allows us to keep checking that it has survived and how many chicks it raises. This will help to determine the long-term future of penguins on the Island.
Karin Gouldstone holding a downy chick which has just been tagged.
Fluttering shearwaters nesting again
Fluttering shearwaters have had a successful nesting season with four pairs raising chicks in the nest boxes at the north end of the Island near the gannet site.
The image shows a chick being held for banding.
John Stewart banding a fluttering shearwater chick
Motuora - the richest shoreline in the Hauraki Gulf?
Motuora Blog posts
Back in 1975, Professor John Morton from Auckland University, opened his report on the Motuora shoreline with the following paragraph:
That Government should take cognisance of the high ecological quality and unspoiled character of the intertidal shores of Motuora Island, which are today richer, in numbers and variety of species, than any of the mainland shores known to me in the Gulf, including the Goat Island Bay reefs where a marine reserve is currently being sought. It should be noted that pollution from land run-off or human interference and depredation has had virtually no effect on this Island.
Click here to download a copy of the 1975 report.
But what is the current condition of the shoreline? Sadly, we don’t know. But if there are any marine scientists out there who would be interested to find out, please get in touch.
Accommodation for volunteers
Motuora blog posts
Posted on 20/04/2021 by LizN
Cabins are now located where a shade house once stood and have been used extensively by visiting monitoring teams during the past months. These are basic but really snug with the convenience of solar-powered lights and charging points for phones. We had a builder erect a roof over the decked area between the pods to provide a dry place to drop wet or dirty gear and footwear. The next part of the project is to roof over each of the cabins which will protect them from harsh environment and extend the life of their construction. Rain water collection is also planned.
The new cabins with central deck and steps