Restoring the native bush, birds, reptiles and invertebrates on Motuora
About the Society
About the Society
Registered as a charity with the Charities Commission since 2007 (CC10250) the Motuora Restoration Society (Inc) is an entirely voluntary group set up to undertake the restoration of the forest and to assist with reestablishing native birds, reptiles and invertebrates on this island in the Hauraki Gulf. We work in partnership with local iwi and the Department of Conservation who look after the campsite and bach while we manage the restoration project.
A brief history
In 1987-88, the Department of Conservation (DOC) carried out surveys of both the plant and bird life on the island, and Simon Chamberlin, who had lived on the island for many years, put forward the idea of Motuora as a predator-free habitat.
The idea was taken up by the Mid North Branch of Forest and Bird, which set up the Motuora Action Group to lobby for combined Forest and Bird and DOC support for the restoration of Motuora. A public meeting in Warkworth in September 1990 attended by various community groups agreed that a restoration project should be initiated, and trial plantings and upgrading of the perimeter fencing were begun. Eventually the need for an independent group to support the project became apparent, and the Motuora Restoration Society Inc was formed at a public meeting in Warkworth in March 1995.
Our principal objects
Our constitution lists the following objects:
(a) To develop Motuora Island and its marine environment as a publicly accessible sanctuary for New Zealand native flora and fauna;
(b) To endeavour to provide financial, material and physical support for work at Motuora Island;
(c) To heighten public awareness of the existence and role of Motuora as an open sanctuary;
(d) To take an active role in the formulation and promotion of appropriate policy recommendations to statutory and regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over Motuora Island
Our Committee
As an Incorporated Society, we have a written constitution which sets out how the Society will be managed.
We are required to hold an AGM each year in April or May when an organising committee will be elected including a chairperson, secretary, treasurer and ordinary members.
Annual financial reports and chairperson’s reports are presented at the AGM.
Current committee members
The following members were elected in May 2024.
John Stewart, chairperson chairperson@motuora.org.nz
Liz Norquay, secretary secretary@motuora.org.nz
Nattu Nataraj, treasurer treasurer@motuora.org.nz
Alex Wilson
Roger Harker
Kevin Hawkins
Dave Jenkins
Helen Lindsay
Recent financial and chairperson’s reports are available here.
John Stewart with a Chatham Island petrel
Photo History
This page is presently under development. It will have a gallery of old and new photos that show the history of Motuora and the progress of the restoration project. The photos posted so far are from those collected courtesy of the Chamberlin family by Les Buckton the founding chairperson of the Motuora Restoration Society.
Home Bay - with farming buildings. Note the building on the right is still in use as the ranger’s accommodation.
The houses and outbuildings when the Chamberlins were farming the island.
The Motuora launch at Home Bay.
A flying boat at Home Bay. It is likely to be a Grumman G44 Widgeon. The livery is similar to the Tourist Air Travel company that operated between Gt. Barrier Island and the mainland from June 1955.